"The Temple in the ancient Near East"
7th International Colloquium of the Deutsche Orient-Gesellschaft (DOG)
- sponsored by the DFG -
11 to 13 October 2009
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München - Munich University
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München - Munich University
Please send the following pdf-form to us via post, fax or E-mail.
Registration 7ICDOG (Download PDF-file, 35 kB)
To receive the discounted price both registration and payment must reach us by 15 August 09:
- Full Payment (non DOG-member): 50 €
- Full Payment (DOG-member): 40 €
- Student (non DOG-member): 20 €
- Student (DOG-member): 10 €
From 16 August 09 the full price has to be payed at registration at the conference:
- Full Payment (non DOG-member): 60 €
- Full Payment (DOG-member): 50 €
- Student (non DOG-member): 30 €
- Student (DOG-member): 20 €
For further information on the Deutsche Orient-Gesellschaft (DOG): www.orientgesellschaft.de
Staatsoberkasse Bayern
Kontonummer 24868
BLZ 700 500 00
Verwendungszweck: 150711/824428-7 and your name
IBAN: DE 5370 0500 00000002 4868
For further information write to 7icdog@vaa.fak12.uni-muenchen.de