Kolloquium im SoSe 2021
Dienstags um 18 Uhr c.t. per Zoom
Meeting-ID: 969 8442 7446
Kenncode: 888455
Haider Oraibi Almamori (University of Babylon, Baghdad)
Dilbat: Excavation and Education
Daniele Morandi-Bonacossi (Università degli Studi di Udine)
The Discovery of the Faida Canal and Rock Reliefs: Settlement and Irrigation in the Core of the Assyrian Empire
Steven Garfinkle (Western Washington University)
Another Brick in the Wall: the Frontiers of the Third Dynasty of Ur
Eloisa Casadei (La Sapienza Università di Roma)
After the "Akkadian Age": Defining the Transition between the Third and Second Millennium BC in Southern Mesopotamia: an Archaeological Perspective
Leonid Kogan (HSE National Research University, Moskau)
The Ebla Chancery Texts in the Light of Recent Linguistic Research
Eva von Dassow (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis)
Citizenship in the Ancient Near East
Marco Bonechi (CNR Roma)
Landscape, Settlements, Infrastructures. On Textual Features Elucidating the Morphology of the Ebla Kingdom (24th Century BCE)
Birgit Christiansen
Bewusste Entscheidungen oder kognitive Fehlleistungen? Den Varianten in der hethitischen Ritualüberlieferung auf der Spur
E. Roßberger, A. Kurmangaliev, N. Morello, H. Arjomand-Fard, M. Atad
Bilder neu verknoten: Das ACAWAI-CS-Projekt zur digitalen Erschließung vorderasiatischer Glyptik
Noemi Borrelli (Università di Bologna)
Fisheries in Ur III Babylonia
Agnete Lassen (Yale University, New Haven)
Set in Stone? Seal Reuse and Recarving in Ancient Mesopotamia
Zu diesen Veranstaltungen laden wir herzlich ein.
Jared L. Miller Adelheid Otto Walther Sallaberger