Assyriologie und Hethitologie

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"AAA Online Lecture of History and Philology" - Vortragsreihe von Jacob Jawdat und Anne-Caroline Rendu Loisel


LECTURE “Insights into the Ebla Gold Trade in the 3rd Millennium BC” (Oct 25)"

ARWA – The International Association for Archaeological Research in Western & Central Asia has the pleasure to invite you to the following AAA online lecture of /History and Philology/

organizers : Anne-Caroline Rendu Loisel (Strasbourg University) & Jacob Jawdat (LMU, München)/

  • “Insights into the Ebla Gold Trade in the 3rd Millennium BC”
  • Fiammetta Gori (LMU, München)
  • Friday October, 25th 2024, 6 p.m. (Paris Time)

18.00 CET (Rome, Paris, Berlin / GMT+2)
19.00 (İstanbul, Athens / GMT+3)
12.00 (New York / GMT-4)

This paper examines aspects of the gold trade as reflected in the Ebla texts (24th century BC), focusing particularly on their socio-economic role and significance. By analyzing recently published administrative texts, the paper explores the geographical origins of the Ebla gold, identifies key figures involved in its supply, and reconstructs the broader trade networks connecting Ebla with Anatolia. Specifically, it traces how the Ebla palace acquired gold in the form of ornaments called /ti-gi-na/ from the city of Armi, one of Ebla’s major gold suppliers, which served as their exclusive source.

To participate in this online lecture please follow this Zoom link: <

Meeting ID: 836 2252 5917
Passcode: 836069

The full programm:

The lecture will be recorded and posted on the ARWA dedicated channel a few days later:

ARWA website: